Saturday, March 21, 2015

In California, with My Toes on the Sand

Santa Monica Beach, CA. A perfect getaway from a chilly West Lafayette to a warm Los Angeles. I was there with 4 of my college friends and we were so excited to explore what LA had to offer!

 The last seagull captured before the flocks flew further.
OK fun facts! Seagulls like to eat seafood, especially clams. However, the shells are too hard for their beaks to break so they carry the clams over rocks and drop them to crack them! Smart.

 It is what it is. The sky was a little blueish gray, but it doesn't stop us from having fun. I recommend visiting the beach at the morning hour for a nice and clear sky.

 My roommate's wearing heart shaped sunglasses.

 Huge crowd at 3PM. I took this pic while riding the Ferris Wheel in the Pacific Park.
$8 to ride one and spins like 5 rotations per ride. Sorry no pic for ferris wheel :)
Another fun ride at the park. The turning chair rotates so fast, you literally get the wind on your face and hair.

Us five.
Santa Monica Beach
Santa Monica
CA, 90401

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