Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gateau St Honore

Dear you who love baking and wondering how to make this popular Saint Honore cake,

Here's a recipe just perfect to produce these two items,

                                                          a 20 cm (diameter) St Honore

                                                        and a 9 cm (diameter) St Honore

Components are:

1) Puff Pastry
This would be the base of the St Honore.
In order to save time, you can get a commercial puff pastry sheets/dough from the grocery store; or start fresh using the English Method recipe* (I put the recipe on the end of this post)

  1. Using a knife, cut the puff pastry sheets into 2 circles, one 20cm and one 9cm diameter. You can use cake board or ring cutter as a guide.
  2. Place the circles on top of tray lined with silicone paper (baking paper)
  3. Dock the puff pastry with fork by gently stabbing from the the surface
  4. Rest in fridge for 15 mins

2) Choux Paste
Choux paste is used to make pastry items such as eclairs, profiterols, corquembouche, and St. Honore.

250 ml  Water                                                      
100  g    Butter, room temperature
pinch     Salt
pinch     Sugar
*Boil these ingredients in a pot/ deep saucepan.

190  g   Bread flour (Bakers flour)
*Mix in flour to the boiling liquid immediately. Combine until there is no lumps of flour, and until         you are able to hear a sizzling sound. Transfer into a mixing bowl and let it cool to body  temperature.                      

300  g  Eggs                                                        
 *Add eggs gradually, mix it on medium speed. Scrape the sides of your bowl using spatula each time eggs are added. Lift the whole paste using scraper, it should drop in 3-4 seconds making a V-shape. The paste should look shiny. 

  1. Prepare a tray, spray it with oil and dusted with a little bit of flour.
  2. Put the choux paste into a piping bag and put a 8mm piping tube, twist the edge to prevent paste from leaking out. 
  3. Place the tip of your piping tube 1 cm above the tray surface, and pipe out the choux paste (imagine a shape of hershey kisses but as big as macarons). Pipe at least 15 pieces. This would go to your 20 cm St Honore.
  4. On the same tray, same method, pipe out smaller version of the above. At least 1 cm smaller in diameter. These are for your 9cm St Honore.
  5. Dab gently the kisses (the tail that goes up as in hershey kisses) using fork.
  6. Break an egg and mix. Take a pastry brush to gently egg wash your piped choux paste.
  7. Prepare another tray, lined with silicone/baking paper. Put the puff pastry on top.
  8. Use the remaining of choux paste to pipe spiral on top of your puff pastry like so,

            you can use the same piping tube that you used to pipe previously. Do for both 20                                 cm and 9 cm puff pastry. Egg wash using pastry brush.

   9.   Bake at 200°C for 20 minutes together with the other tray.
  10. Take out from the oven, let it cool to room temperature.

3) Chantilly Cream
This would be the cream that goes on top and inside your St Honore.

500 ml  Heavy Cream (Thickened Cream)                                
  50   g  Icing sugar (Powdered sugar)
*Whip it together until the cream can hold its shape. Rest in fridge.

  1. Take the 35 pieces of "Hershey Kisses" choux, and make a hole from top using the tip of your knife. 
  2. Take a piping bag, and use the smallest piping tube to pipe out the chantilly cream into the choux through the hole you just made.

4) Caramel
This is the shiny part that goes on top of your choux pastry, and also the "bird nest" that you've seen on the 20 cm St Honore picture above.

500 g  Sugar                                                    
200 g  Water  
*In a sauce pan, boil sugar and water to amber color. Turn heat off. The caramel is ready to use.


  1. Prepare a tray lined with silicone mat and bring the saucepan of caramel close to the silicone mat, so you can dip and stick the "Hershey Kisses" choux easily.
  2. Take one of the choux (that you just piped with chantilly cream), dip the flat surface into the caramel. Just the surface. Be mindful not to burn your finger.
  3. Place this flat surface on top of silicone mat. Move on to next choux repeat step 2.
  4. When the caramel sets (at least for 2 minutes), you would be able to peel the choux off easily from the silicone mat.
  5. Take the baked 20cm puff pastry and put it near your work station. 
  6. Pipe chantilly cream to cover gaps between the spiral in your puff pastry.
  7. Peel the big choux by simply lifting them up from the silicone mat. Dip the other side (the part that has hole for piping chantilly cream) into the caramel. Then, stick it on the edge of the puff pastry.
  8. Now you should have choux pastries surrounding the chantilly cream. It does not necessarily 15 pieces of choux to do this, stick just enough choux onto the edge.
  9. Pipe some more chantilly cream and bring to a height that you desire. Mine is piped to 1 c below the level of the choux. You can be as creative as you want, using the star nozzle, leaf nozzle, etc.
  10. Place "bird nest" on top.
  11. Repeat step 5 to 9 to the 9 cm St Honore, using 9cm baked puff pastry and small baked choux pastries.
To make the bird nest (sugar spun),

  • take 2 forks and a big bowl
  • dip the forks in the caramel
  • lift them up and bring them to one edge of the bowl
  • stretch the caramel back and forth across the bowl, going as quickly as possible
  • release from the bowl and bring the edges together
  • place on top of the chantilly cream
  • garnish with strawberries, lemons, edible flowers, or anything else as you desire.

                                       ***GOOD LUCK IN THE KITCHEN!***


*English Method Puff Pastry
220 g     Bread flour (Bakers flour)
    2 g     Salt
  22 g     Unsalted Butter
132 g     Water, cold
    1 g      Lemon juice (optional)
165 g      Unsalted butter sheet, preconditioned or room temperature

  1. Sift flour and salt in a bowl. Then, use your fingers to rub the 22 g butter in the flour mix until it resembles breadcrumbs.
  2. Add water and lemon juice in the centre and mix together.
  3. Attach a dough hook on your mixer, and start kneading the mix into a smooth dough. Roll into a ball.
  4. Wrap the ball using plastic wrap and rest it for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  5. Take the ball out from the fridge and flatten the dough to a rectangle shape (20 cm x 30 cm) with 1 cm thickness.
  6. Cut butter sheet into 165g, which is just enough to cover 2/3 rd of the rectangle dough.
  7. Fold over the remaining 1/3 of the dough towards the middle, then fold the other 1/3 part to the middle, to enclose the butter. See the picture below.
  8. Flatten this dough with a rolling pin to a rectangle approximately 60cm x 20cm, keeping the sides straight. 
  9. Fold the dough into three, the same way you fold the dough on no.7, and don't forget to seal the edges.
  10. Flatten the dough again using rolling pin, by rolling it out the opposite direction to that previously done and fold it again into three. Now your dough has been given 2 turns.
  11. Wrap and rest in the fridge for 30 mins.
  12. Repeat steps 8-11 twice more to give you a total of 6 turns.

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